Summer Break: Any orders placed after 5/28 will begin shipping 6/10. Thanks for your patience and understanding! Use code FREEdaySHIP at checkout for free shipping with your $75+ order!
Summer Break: Any orders placed after 5/28 will begin shipping 6/10. Thanks for your patience and understanding! Use code FREEdaySHIP at checkout for free shipping with your $75+ order!
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almost #harvest2016

harvest news popcorn popping ears

almost #harvest2016

It's ALMOST here! #harvest2016, #fall2016 or as "Kernel Free Day" says #themostwonderfultimeoftheyear! We're literally days or even hours away. Popping Ears We planted our popcorn babies in May... and now at the end of September and the cusp of October, our popcorn babies are all grown up and almost ready for harvest.   We've done some preliminary handpicking of Popping Ears to see how this year's crop is looking. Early pickings reveal some pretty ears. We're pretty excited about how they turned out.    In addition to the yellow Popping Ears (far left in the picture) we had last year,...

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Kickstarter Recap

farm fresh harvest news popcorn popping ears

Kickstarter Recap

It's been about a week since our Kickstarter campaign ended. We may have fallen short of our funding goal, but we're so grateful to use it as a learning experience and a chance to connect with 34 cool people in the process. THANK YOU, for your support.   That said, we're still full steam ahead to bring Popping Ears to market this fall. We're counting down the days til we can pick popcorn (roughly 14 to go!)!   After harvest, just give us a week or two to sort and start packaging them. Popping Ears should be available in our...

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"Popping Up Success"

"Popping Up Success"

If you've followed our Kickstarter updates and blog, you may remember a couple weeks ago we were interviewed by my hometown newspaper The Altoona Mirror. The article ran this past Monday. If this is where you first heard about Free Day Popcorn, welcome! It's been fun to "meet" so many people from central PA this week and love that we can share our love of popcorn with family and friends.    Missed the article, read it here:

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Last Chance and Packaging Update

Last Chance and Packaging Update

Last Chance & Packaging photos August 30, 2016 | Stacey Funding Update: 28 backers $954 pledged of $6,500 goal (14%) 45 hours to go We can't thank you enough for backing and believing in this project. While reaching our goal is still a long shot - with only 45 hours to go - we've learned so much in this process, from fine tuning our message and our goals in production of the project video, to interacting with backers and potential backers, etc.   We value the experience for what it is and move on with a renewed sense of purpose....

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Listen Up: We're ALL EARS!

Listen Up: We're ALL EARS!

Listen up! We're all "EARS" August 23, 2016 | Stacey Time is flying by! It's hard to believe there's only about a week to go! Funding Update: Thanks to all the new backers in the last few days. It's fun to see people from all over the US find (and back!) our project! To date, we have: 25 backers $767 pledged (11% of $6,500 goal) 8 days to go We still have a way to go to reach our goal in 8 days time, but crazier things have happened!! If you believe in this project, please share away with friends...

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